MIB Agreements

The MIB provides compensation for bodily injury claims only, in accordance with the ‘Agreements’ that MIB has with the Government and all motor insurers.

  1. Memorandum and Articles of Association.
  2. Text of an Agreement dated the 22nd February, 1975 between the Honourable Minister for Finance, Mr. Hon Sui Sen and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Singapore together with some notes on its scope and purpose.
  3. Memorandum of Agreement dated the 22nd February, 1975 between the Bureau and its members.

Memorandum and Articles of Association of Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Singapore Incorporated on the 25th day of January, 1975 (Special Resolution dated 30th day of August 1993).

Supplemental Agreement dated the 24th day of September, 1998 between the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Singapore (the “Bureau”) and the Members.
Supplemental Agreement dated the 24th day of September, 1998 between the Minister for Finance of the Republic of Singapore and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Singapore.

Deed of Assignment dated the 13th day of August, 2003 between the Minister for Finance of the Republic of Singapore and the Public Trustee of the Republic of Singapore.

Further Supplemental Agreement dated the 13th day of August, 2003 between the Minister for Finance of the Republic of Singapore and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Singapore.

Further Supplemental Agreement dated the 28th day of January, 2021 between the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Singapore (the “Bureau”) and the Members.

2nd Supplemental Agreement dated the 28th day of October, 2021 between the Minister for Finance of the Republic of Singapore and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Singapore.